Case Studies

Deals & case studies

Supporting business is what we do. Find out more about the businesses we’ve helped.

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asset finance

Case Study

Supporting a craft beer company with Asset Finance


Invoice Finance

Case Study

Tailoring a funding solution to meet cashflow requirements


Invoice Finance

Case Study

Corporate eyecare provider reinvents its services with Invoice Finance


structured finance

Three blue busses in with an light blue cityscape background

Case Study

Pet supplies provider accelerates growth with a consolidated structured facility


asset finance

Case Study

Releasing cash with Asset Finance


asset finance

Blue illustration of a tractor on a blue illustration of a city background

Case Study

Facilitating the purchase of further assets through Refinancing


Invoice Finance

Case Study

Fashion wholesaler thrives with combined Invoice and Trade Finance funding



Let’s get things moving

If you would like to talk to us about any funding needs, call us on 0800 121 7757, register as an Introducer or request a quote for your business today