What to Expect when Supplying Ultimate Finance



Ultimate Finance (“the Group”) has a Supplier Code of Conduct (“the Code”) that describes the minimum expectations in the areas of integrity, ethics, and conduct; conflict of interest, gifts, benefits, and hospitality; labour and human rights; health and safety; and environmental management that are expected of you, our suppliers.  In addition, the Group has a Responsible Business Report https://ultimatefinance.co.uk/static/b87160b2aba086ab7a7250ae1473283c/Responsible-Business-Report-July-2024.pdf that provides insight into how we are tackling the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) challenges that are so important to our customers, suppliers, communities and colleagues.

In return for adhering to our Code, you, our suppliers, are entitled to know what to expect from us.

We will:

  • treat you as we would like to be treated ourselves, with dignity and respect, and we will act in an ethical and honest way. We are committed to following the principles for EDI, to respecting and valuing each other’s differences, promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion, and encouraging individuals to develop and maximise their true potential. Since its launch in 2020, our approach to EDI is rooted in our People Promise and in our core value of Decency.  This holds true not only for our colleagues, but for how we deal with our suppliers and other stakeholders.
  • comply with all anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-money laundering regulations. We will not engage in, either directly or indirectly, fraudulent, corrupt, exploitative or collusive activities.  We want to conduct business in a way that is transparent and fair to all. We have created an Anti-bribery and Corruption Framework which ensures that we comply with our obligations under the Bribery Act 2010 and helps us to deliver transparent and open relationships with anyone we work or partner with.
  • avoid conflicts of interest. When we identify a potential conflict, we will evaluate it fairly, notify you and take action to protect the interests of all the parties involved.
  • comply with child labour, modern slavery, or human trafficking under the UK’s Modern Slavey Act 2015. Our Modern Slavey Statement is available on our website https://ultimatefinance.co.uk/modern-slavery-statement.   We provide specialist training to those staff members who are involved in managing recruitment and our supply chains and more general awareness training is provided to all staff on our Learning Management System.
  • protect the confidentiality of any information you provide to us and use that information responsibly, appropriately and in accordance with the services you have provided. We will protect the information you have provided us against loss, damage, theft, inappropriate access and misuse at all times, especially if it contains personal data. We know that the data we collect is important and all of our stakeholders should feel confident that we will safeguard their data properly. We ensure we adhere to all current legislation, and our approach to data protection is done by design, and to help us achieve it, we have created a Data Governance Framework which is designed to protect the data we receive and ensure that we are always embedding best practice within our operations.
  • act in a socially responsible way with a view to protecting our environment and promoting our communities.
  • pay our suppliers promptly and without fuss.  See Accounts Payable Process
  • pay our taxes that we are due and on time in line with our Tax Strategy – https://ultimatefinance.co.uk/tax-strategy


Let’s get things moving

If you would like to talk to us about any funding needs, call us on 0800 121 7757, register as an Introducer or request a quote for your business today