How to use Asset Finance
Asset Finance is not only a great way to acquire high value assets into your business without having to part ways with the cash needed for large upfront payments, but it also lets you use an existing asset to boost your cashflow when you need it most.
There are three main variations of Asset Finance, each with their own benefits. If you are unsure which type is best to help you meet your business ambitions, our team of experts will help you assess your options and find the right funding for you.
Hire Purchase
With Hire Purchase, the lender advances you the funds to acquire the asset but retains ownership of the purchase and leases it to your business against fixed monthly repayments. This option usually involves a larger initial payment and smaller monthly repayments each month. Once the agreement ends, you have the option to purchase the asset with a further payment.
Lease Financing
With Leasing, the funder will purchase the asset and lease it to you against monthly payments over an agreed period. However, you will not have the option to purchase the asset at the end of your agreement – you may be able to extend the lease if necessary, upgrade against another similar item or return it to your provider.
Refinancing allows you to use your existing assets against funding. In simpler terms, it lets you access the cash that’s tied up in your assets to boost your cashflow. It can be provided on both Lease Financing and Hire Purchasing – even if you have money still left to pay.
Let’s get things moving
If you would like to talk to us about any funding needs, call us on 0800 121 7757, register as an Introducer or request a quote for your business today